Without Music, life would b-flat! (Get it?)

Friday, August 12, 2011

First Week

I know I'm very excited to get started making music, and I hope everyone else is too.
This first week, we'll be getting a slow start.

I'll begin with introductions on Tuesday. I will give each student a short form to fill out about themselves, which I will use to get to know them. Hopefully, we'll still have some time to do some singing. We will then be singing the "America the Beautiful" in unison as well as in parts as the group allows.

The next class day, Thursday, we'll go over the class rules, which the students will help to devise. Then we'll do some warm-up exercises. These will include breathing exercises, range testing, and diction drills. We will then move on to some sight-singing exercises and music reading drills. This will be for the purpose of gauging the group's skills and the type of exercises they are used to doing.

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